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Bian Shi Technique and Wellness Beauty –Bian Shi Medicine History Comment and Old-modern Application `s publish


Bian Shi Technique and Wellness Beauty –Bian Shi Medicine History Comment and Old-modern Application `s publish Empty Bian Shi Technique and Wellness Beauty –Bian Shi Medicine History Comment and Old-modern Application `s publish

帖子  Admin 周四 二月 21, 2008 3:02 pm

Bian Shi Technique and Wellness Beauty –Bian Shi Medicine History Comment and Old-modern Application `s publish has changed the common agreement in needle and bian industry which so called “sixteen ,seventeen ,twelve ways of new needle and bian, or so on theory ,after study of antiquity medicine and exploration history ,combine special material si bin bian shi with basic of point , massage ,burn in ming dynasty then summarize nine –five relationship of bian shi and bian technique. Bian shi is five ,”five elements bian” is enough,nie are the most , corresponding with ancient theory of nine needle bians ; bian technique are nine,have some innovations in the basic of return to the ancients, so nine ways are enough.
Very Happy
It is not the more the better,our shan dong seaside also have someone evolve eighty-one ways with nine bians. That is surely better but difficult to master which bad for spread. Bian shi technique is return to the ancients, though it is elite, a little more sutra to be better . Moral Lection is just five thousands words and Yin Fu Jing is simply three hundreds words. “ so called yin fu just have treasure three hundreds words , moral writing simply have five thousands(words) ,hundreds of orac le from the ancient which bound to get the elite here.
Bian Shi Wellness Health-care----Bian Shi Beauty Wellness and Common Disease Therapy, author :wang xin min, xu ya li, liu xiao yuan, agent writer:liu xiao yuan.
Bian Shi Technique and Wellness Beauty –Bian Shi Medicine History Document and Old-modern Application`s publish has changed the simply theory agreed by needle bian history that bian shi is the mother of acupuncture ,and explored that acupuncture ,massage ,external treatment ,mind tratment, mix treatment and so on,all have lots of techniques come from bian shi and bian technque.
Bian Shi Technique and Wellness Beauty –Bian Shi Medicine History Document and Old-modern Application`s publish clarify in and out of nation`s market find that bian que shi is not come from original home of shandong`s si bi bian qin , which gray yellow or gray brown jade material .clarify that from seventy to ninety times , di kuang department ,shan dong province centre lab to do the science examine of bian que shi –gray yellow or gray brown si bin bian shi`s shan dong original home ,then hand in relative lab retest statistics data to the country ,and declare clearly the material of si bin bian shi –material of bian que shi ,si bin fu shi`s ultrasonic and far infrared idiosyncracy, main componenet ,music science character and prolong of bian shi bian technique, the use of bian qin. Si bin bian shi is the monarch of bian shi ,it is bian as well as qin, with special quality which impossible to be replaced by others.
Bian Shi Technique and Wellness Beauty –Bian Shi Medicine History Document and Old-modern Application`s publish declare the old –modern use of si bin bian shi in wellness and health-care, beauty, treatment and prevention of disease, dialectic treatment,, therapy diarrhea aptitude; many cases let it easy to undetstand.
Bian Shi Technique and Wellness Beauty –Bian Shi Medicine History Document and Old-modern Application`s publish lay a foundation for us to apply fund from science department. Based on medicine history and clinic part of this book ,we are going to compile and publish Bian Tool and Tchnique which can be actg as important part for Science Department Problem Group to declare Chinese acupuncture library ;Needle Tool and Technique / he pu ren/ Science Publisher /1980, Needle Tool and Technique / he pu ren/ Science Publisher/ 2000, It is time to compile and publish Bian Tool and Bian Technique now.
Bian Stone Technique and Wellness Beauty--Bian Shi Beauty Wellness and Common Disease Therapy , author :wang xing min ,xu li ya, liu xiao yuan, agent writer: liu xiao yuan.

Thanks to China Traditional Chinese Medicine Academy, studying acupuncture ,bian shi,traditional chinese medicine history ,acupuncture history from it was built in 1955, and explore document of si bin bian shi. Shan dong si bin bian shi ,science experiment, clinical summarize, scholarly communication and clinical spread;
Please every experts ,scholars and directors who paid attention and supported this book ever since put forward your precious opinion . This book will sent to people below, hope you can make time to read it in you leisure time and give us your suggestions; after all , revive of bian shi technique is good for study of meridian science and chinese traditional medicine make its way to the world. It was in seventy times, acupuncture has became globalize, so it is time for bian shi ,the mother of acupuncture to make it`s way to the world.
Though disposable needle has been use in abroad, the harm and spread problem of AIDS, Hepatitis B and so on virus still make patients have scruple about acupuncture,, besides, use gray yellow or gray brown jade material real bian shi shan dong si bin bian shi in subhealthy ,wellness health-care, beauty and so on , with advantage of without wound and pain, no need to pierce skin, pure nature green health-care, act as forefather tool of pure nature external treatment without wound, and with its carbon circulation ,far infrared ,negative ion, ultrasonic oscillation and so on particularity which have extensive study and apply prospect as well as enormous market space. This book use for acupuncture declare and global spread chinese medicine wellness culture,, sent to United Nations Teaching Organization, WHO( World Healthy Organization),FAD/CDC, /World Needle Union Japan Organization, /World Needle Union South Korea Organization, /World Needle Union Europe Organization, and so on.
This book sent to : Edition Library National ,/China Chinese Medicine Academy of Sciences Library, / China Chinese Medicine Academy of Sciences Medicine History Document/ China Academy of Sciences Library. / Shan dong Province Library,/ Shan dong Chinese Traditional Medicine University Library. Author of the book thanks the medium which once propaganda bian shi technique in its revive way : People Daily News(abroad edition),/The Xin Hua News Agency Internal Internal Consultation Department/China News Agency/China Chinese Traditional Medicine News/ Science Daily News. The book separately dispatch to directors below to make a comment (the place does not divide the priority): Central Health Care Bureau, Science Department Medical Department, Protocol Department of Foreign Ministry, Chinese Tradition Medicine Bureau National, The Country Manages Old Cadre Bureau, Central Old Cadre Bureau, PLA Fourth Headquarter Old Cadre Bureau, Ministry of Professional Skill Training Test Center ,and so on. The book separately sent to directors, experts and scholars below to make a comment :(the place does not divide the priority) wang yong yan (honorary chief of China Chinese Traditional Medicine Academy),den liang yue ( chairman of World Needle Union), shen zhi xiang, hu xi ming, wang xue tai , liu bao yan(assist. Chief of China Chinese Traditional Medicine, assist .chief and secretary general of China Acupuncture Academy) ,he pu ren, cheng xin nong, li jing wei, ma ji xing, yan liang ,zhuang ding ,meng jing bi ,guan chong fen ,shen shao gong, huang long xiang ,zhang wei bo, wang jing.
Bian Stone Technique and Wellness Beauty--Bian Shi Beauty Wellness and Common Disease Therapy , author :wang xing min ,xu li ya, liu xiao yuan, agent writer: liu xiao yuan.
山东华泰集团、华泰地矿、 华泰泗源泗滨砭石矿、华泰易货、北京东方红中医药……]
[山东华泰、华泰地矿、华泰易货出品之真品泗源泗滨砭石(扁鹊石)为“本色玄黄、天地气交之物;为灰褐色玉质感砭石,每件产品均有标明国家 “五行砭石”专利号及有山东泗水原产地证书及“泗滨神砭”(中国印)激光防伪商标!主要供出口及在自营及合作的高档养生馆、美容院中使用,无市场零售,仅防假冒!











帖子数 : 193
注册日期 : 08-02-21


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